What is Green Computing?
Green computing is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently. The primary objective of such a program is to account for the triple bottom line, an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success. The goals are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste.
Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people, networks and hardware; as such, a green computing initiative must be systemic in nature, and address increasingly sophisticated problems. Elements of such a solution may comprise items such as end user satisfaction, management restructuring, regulatory compliance, disposal of electronic waste, telecommuting, virtualization of server resources, energy use, thin client solutions, and return on investment (ROI).
The imperative for companies to take control of their power consumption, for technology and more generally, therefore remains acute. One of the most effective power management tools available in 2009 may still be simple, plain, common sense.
What is Green Computing?
Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of technology.
What can I do to “green” my technology use?
• Enable power management on your computer.
• Power down the computer and monitor when not in use.
• Consider plugging your computer and peripherals into a power strip with an on/off switch and turn the entire power strip off when not in use.
• Think before you print. Do you really need a paper copy?
• Use recycled paper if possible
• Use Print Preview to review your job before printing it
• Print in black and white whenever possible.
• Print two-sided whenever possible.
• Reuse unnecessary print jobs as scratch paper.
• Advertise events, parties, etc. electronically or with chalk instead of print-outs.
• Recycle!
o Use the recycling bins around campus to recycle paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic
o Toner on campus can be brought to ISR for recycling
o Beloit College computers and laptop batteries can be brought to ISR for recycling
o Locations for recycling home computers can be found here
o Recycle used alkaline batteries in Pearsons by the mail center or in the Library
• Use email instead of faxes
• If you are in the market for a new computer at home, consider buying an Energy Star compliant computer
• If it’s possible, download software from the web instead of purchasing a physical installation disc
What is Power management and how does it help?
Every day energy is wasted by computers and monitors that are left on when not in use. By simply putting the hard drive and monitor to sleep after a short period of inactivity, huge energy savings can be realized. The computer should wake up with a quick click of the mouse or by pressing a key on the keyboard.
In some cases, you will need to press the power button briefly to wake the computer up. Also, be sure to shut down your computer before leaving for the day and over weekends. Use this handy calculator to get an idea of how much energy and money can be saved.
Green Computing Saves Green
As computers play an ever-larger role in our lives, energy demands, costs, and waste
are escalating dramatically. Consider the following from the Climate Savers Computing
• In a typical desktop computer, nearly half the power coming out of the wall is wasted
and never reaches the processor, memory, disks, or other components.
• The added heat from inefficient computers can increase the demand on air
conditioners and cooling systems, making your computing equipment even more
expensive to run.
• Even though most of today’s desktop computers are capable of automatically
transitioning to a sleep or hibernate state when inactive, about 90 percent of systems
have this function disabled.
• Some 25 percent of the electricity used to power home electronics—computers, DVD
players, stereos, TVs—is consumed while the products are turned off.
Eco-friendly computing
We can’t live without PCs, but we need to learn how to live with them: they consume too much electricity and generate too much e-waste. A typical PC takes 110 watts to run, and there are almost a billion of them on the planet. And according to the Silicon Valley Toxics Commission, e-waste is the fastest growing part of the waste stream.
The solution is simple
Today's PCs are so powerful that we no longer need one for each person. We can tap into the excess power in one PC and share it with many users. NComputing technology uses just 1 to 5 watts, lasts for a decade, and generates just a few ounces of e-waste.

Save on computer costs & electricity
NComputing systems cost at least 50% less than standard PCs, and since they draw less than 5 watts, you reduce your energy footprint by as much as 90% per user. And because NComputing devices produce practically no heat, they reduce the need for energy-consuming air conditioning. Electricity savings alone can pay for the NComputing virtual desktops in as little as one year. No wonder NComputing has won so many green awards.
My Views
Living in this material world is indeed takes a lot of efforts to boost every excellent performance and good deeds in every little way in our life. We have to think that it is our responsibility to take care our of mother nature. This Green Campus Computing is one of t5he solution of this deteriorating environment of today's generation. Through this, we can help lessen and minimize every pollution into our society. Computers have their own waste that should be segregate well and place in right corner.
How will I going to implement this program to our school? Simply trough campaigns and sharing to every student in school. They have to be aware of this program knowing that they use High Technologies, and it its a privilege to know and learn such moral and valuable lesson. Support Green Campus Computing and be aware to serve and protect our mothers nature.
Living in this material world is indeed takes a lot of efforts to boost every excellent performance and good deeds in every little way in our life. We have to think that it is our responsibility to take care our of mother nature. This Green Campus Computing is one of t5he solution of this deteriorating environment of today's generation. Through this, we can help lessen and minimize every pollution into our society. Computers have their own waste that should be segregate well and place in right corner.
How will I going to implement this program to our school? Simply trough campaigns and sharing to every student in school. They have to be aware of this program knowing that they use High Technologies, and it its a privilege to know and learn such moral and valuable lesson. Support Green Campus Computing and be aware to serve and protect our mothers nature.
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